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Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I was out of town for two days, and was at shopping yesterday... I got a bunch of new experience and a bag of new stuff, just to increase the chaos around my desk!

Let's check them one-by-one!

I brought my very own display shadow box yesterday from Tandy, which I had already filled up with my finished miniatures. Well, some of them are from the beginning, from the old past, some are new, some are messed up, but I want to arrange them here, using an approximate time scale to see, how I improve day by day. I feel that this will be a great inspiration in the future!

Still have my box unfinished - should go for it again!

On Sunday, I was at the model car fair, where we had a HUGE haul... Actually, just Tandy had, but I also got two 1:18 motorbikes for myself. One of them is a bit damaged, but I plan to build it in a diorama some day! Now I need a shelf to display them!

And yesterday we did the regular monthly shopping, and I checked in KIK to see, if I can find something useful for the household. But I have found more! Over a bunch of kitchen stuff, two scissors, and a new hairbrush, I got these AWESOME little plastic cabinets! They were pretty cheap, so I instantly got 4!

I won't even mention the minor stuff, like the fabric, paper, and other useful stuff I got from friends and from stores. Whew, I wish more weekends like this!


  1. A Tandy's box-ot tiszta szívből just for you. <3 Loreal, mert megérdemled. Azt a Yamahát viszont most már nagyon bánom, hogy nem én nyúltam le a vásáron. Na mindegy, azért Nálad is jó helyen lesz, amíg el nem fordulsz egy pillanatra.... hehehe

    1. Na mer hagytam volna lenyúlni, mi? Álmodj királylány :D
